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3 Years of the VT Astute Funds!

The VT Astute funds have turned three years old – an important milestone in the fund world. Whilst three years is well below the minimum recommended investment time horizon for each of the funds, the anniversary is a good excuse to reflect on the past three years and consider what calls we got right and what we got wrong.

Hannah Owen sits down with CIO Dr Scott Osborne, who touches on the rollercoaster of 2020-2023, including having successfully managed risk by reducing exposure to fixed income ahead of the bond market downturn, investment analyst Toby Hulse, who talks about the challenging investment environment in 2022, and senior investment analyst Nathan Chan, who discusses the importance of judging which balls to hit and which balls to leave.

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Astute Market Overview – 1st August 2023

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Astute Market Overview – 15th August 2023